Mukalla, January 22, 2024 –The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), organized a 2-days training course aimed to enhance the capacities of Yemeni journalists in Hadramout, particularly on occupational safety in covering conflict. 20 Yemeni men and women journalists, representing various media outlets, actively participated in the course, gaining valuable insights into planning media tasks, effective risk management, and the ability to recognize and avoid potential risks during turbulent situations.
The sessions covered a wide range of topics, including personal security and safety, awareness of kidnapping risks, understanding the threats journalists face in conflict and war zones, basics of digital security, and training on handling injuries such as wounds, fractures, burns, and suffocation. Addressing the participants, Salah Mubarak, the deputy head of the Syndicate’s branch in Hadramout, said “Our aim is for this course to build the capabilities of journalists in the field of occupational safety, disseminating knowledge to protect them from risks, spreading the culture and principles of occupational safety, as well as providing them with skills and expertise to help them be safe when they cover events on the field.”
Given the ongoing risks faced by journalists in Yemen, including detentions, censorship, threats, and assaults, occupational safety training remains crucial. Collaborating with universities to better equip future journalists is a proactive approach to ensure that young journalists are better prepared to navigate the challenges safely as they embark on their professional journeys in conflict zones. Salah Mubarak explains “We are constantly working to provide training opportunities to enhance the professional capabilities of journalists and media professionals, especially through our work with the mass communication Department at Hadhramaut University in its training activities.”
This activity is part of series of training courses dedicated to occupational safety, organized by the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate within the framework of the agreement and cooperation with UNESCO and the IFJ. These courses are intended to further prepare journalists from various governorates in Yemen for the challenges and demands of their work in crisis settings