Professional safety course for journalists concluded in Marib

Twenty-five male and female journalists in Marib province completed the professional safety course for journalists covering conflicts and wars. The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) organized the two-day course in cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists and UNESCO.
The course comes within a YJS training program, which targets approximately 160 male and female journalists in Aden, Hadramaut, Taiz and Ma’rib.
During the two days of training, participants learned new skills in planning a media task and risk management, recognizing and avoiding potential risks during fieldwork in unsafe environments, personal security and safety, awareness of kidnappings and the risks to which journalists are exposed in conflict and war zones, the basics of digital security, and training on dealing with injuries such as wounds, fractures, burns, and suffocation.
The training program aims to reduce risks facing journalists while covering conflicts, spread a culture of occupational safety for journalists, and encourage media outlets to establish special occupational safety departments to plan media tasks and provide safety tools for journalists.
The participants appreciated this course, which Yemeni journalists currently need, expressing their thanks to the YJS, the International Federation of Journalists, and UNESCO. They said such programs must continue to be delivered to other Yemeni journalists to enhance their safety when covering wars and conflicts.
This is the first professional safety course for journalists in Marib, and an additional course will be held in the coming months

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  The Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists and …