Yemeni Journalists Syndicate releases its first 2024 quarterly report, documenting 17 cases of violations against media freedom in Yemen


The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) released its first 2024 quarterly report on media freedoms in Yemen, documenting several violations against journalists and press institutions.

The Syndicate documented 17 cases of violations against media personnel and institutions, an indicator that reveals the continuation of a dangerous environment in which Yemeni journalists work without protection.


Type of violation Number Percentage
Deprivation of freedom 4 %23.5
Attack 4 %23.5
Threat and incitement 3 %17.6
Confiscation of properties 3 %17.6
Trials and summons 2 %11.8
Forced deportation 1 %6
Total 17  


The violations against freedom of the press during the first quarter of this year included deprivation of freedom, assaulting journalists and press institutions, confiscation of properties, trials and summons, and forced deportation.

The Houthi group committed 5 cases of violations against journalists during the first quarter of this year. The Yemeni government also committed 5 cases, while the Southern Transitional Council committed 3 cases. The Egyptian authorities were responsible for two violations against Yemeni journalists. Unknown persons and a media institution committed one case each.


Detention of freedom included two cases of arrest, one case of persecution, and a case of kidnapping.


The YJS documented 4 cases of attacks on journalists and their property, including two cases of beating journalists, one case of attacking a media institution, and one case of attacking a journalist’s car.

The YJS also recorded 3 cases of threats and incitement against journalists, including two cases of threats and one case of incitement. It also documented 3 cases of prevention, suspension and confiscation, including a case of prevention from coverage, a case of suspension of dues, and a case of confiscation of media property.

The YJS documented two cases of trial and summons, including one case of trial and one case of summons, in addition to a case of forced deportation of Yemeni journalist Tawfiq Al-Jand by the Egyptian authorities.

Report indicators

– Continued violations against journalists from various parties in light of the state of impunity for all violators of press freedom in Yemen.

– Increased restrictions imposed on journalistic work have limited the ability of journalists and media outlets to work freely, especially in Sanaa and Aden.

– There is an expanding state of hostility towards the press and journalists from various parties amidst the declining local and external human rights solidarity with freedom of the press in Yemen.



-We recommend that the Yemeni government investigate cases of violations against journalists in areas under its control, provide a safe environment for journalistic work, release journalist Ahmed Maher, work to find out the fate of journalist Naseh Shaker, and work to uncover the fate of journalist Muhammad Qaid Al-Maqri, who has been hidden since October 2015.


-We recommend stopping the illegal measures taken by the Southern Transitional Council to impose restrictions on the work of journalists in Aden, demanding the handover of the Aden-based headquarters of the YJS, which was seized by a group affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council in March last year.


-We call on the Houthi group to release the kidnapped journalists Waheed Al-Sufi, Nabil Al-Sadawi, and Abdullah Al-Nabhani, and to facilitate the operation of independent journalists and media organizations.

-We call on organizations concerned with freedom of opinion and expression to intensify their activities and solidarity with freedom of the press in Yemen and put more pressure on violators of freedom of expression.

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